Translational Medicine and Biomedical Entrepreneurship
sitem-insel AG
Universität Bern UNIBE
- Lieu de formation
Berne 10 (BE)
- Langue d'enseignement
- Type de formation
Hautes écoles universitaires HEU - Formation continue: formations longues
- Modalités temporelles
En emploi
- Thèmes de formation
Électronique, microtechnique - Management, direction - Santé, soins, médecine
- Filières d'études
Gestion d'entreprise / économie d'entreprise - Médecine humaine - Sciences et technologie biomédicales - Technique médicale
- Swissdoc
7.555.33.0 - 7.724.4.0 - 7.616.35.0
Mise à jour 25.09.2024
Description de la formation
Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) ist eine Nachdiplomausbildung der Hochschulen und entspricht mindestens 30 ECTS-Punkten.
The program offers continuing education to specialists in industry, hospitals and academia in the field of translational medicine and biomedical entrepreneurship, expertise highly needed in both industry and universities. Participants will acquire
the know-how to initiate and implement the translation process of products from the stage of development in industrial or research institutions to clinical applications with the goal of their commercialization. The focus is on both diagnostic and therapeutic medical devices and medicinal products.
Plan de la formation
The CAS Program consists of 3 out of 5 modules 1-5 plus module 6
- Module 1: Research and Development (4 ECTS)
revises basic principles related to the discovery and development of medical devices and medicinal products. - Module 2: Good Manufacturing Practice and Quality Management (5 ECTS)
focusses on how to ensure that all activities linked with a translational process maintain the desired level of excellence required by regulatory agencies. - Module 3: Intellectual Property (3 ECTS)
is dedicated to different types of Intellectual Property and legal aspects that are crucial for the successful commercialization of medical devices and medicinal products. - Module 4: Regulatory Affairs (5 ECTS)
focuses on the approval process for bringing innovative products to the market and describes the role of regulatory agencies, public and government agencies and notified bodies along the translational pathway. - Module 5: Clinical Trial Design and Performance (6 ECTS)
considers key characteristics of clinical trial design and conduct. Participants learn about the prerequisites for such scientific studies, the importance of understanding the pathophysiology of the underlying diseases, the definition of quantifiable endpoints by clinicians as well as data management and statistics. - Module 6: Biomedical Entrepreneurship and Management (13 ECTS)
The development and commer cialization of a new biomedical product involves the coordina tion and leadership of a multidi sciplinary team. The module focuses on various aspects of entrepreneurship such as product management, business administration, and strategies to commercialize biomedical products.
Conditions d’admission
Participants should have a Master of Science or higher degree in life science, medicine, engineering science or equivalent.
The program addresses professionals from industry, hospitals and academia that are active in the medical sector and interested in translational medicine and biomedical entrepreneurship.
CHF 23'100.-
- Diploma of Advanced Studies DAS
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Translational Medicine and Biomedical Entrepreneurship, Universität Bern
Infos pratiques
Lieu / adresse
- Berne 10 (BE)
Déroulement temporel
Début des cours
Durée de la formation
4 semesters
Modalités temporelles
- En emploi
Langue d’enseignement
- anglais
The prerequisites section is organized as e-learning and offers participants the possibility to refresh their knowledge according to their individual needs, covering the basics of biopharmacy, pharmaceutical technologies, medical technologies, OMICS technologies and biostatistics and epidemiology.
Renseignements / contact
Prof. Dr. Juergen Burger, Director sitem-insel School,
Dr. Pascale Anderle, deputy Director and program coordinator,
Jennifer.Fischer, administration and communication,
Institution 1
Universität Bern UNIBE
Hochschulstrasse 6
3012 Bern
Tél.: +41 31 684 81 11
Autres informations
Universität Bern
Institution 2
sitem-insel AG
c/o sitem-insel School
Freiburgstrasse 3
3010 Bern
Tél.: +41 31 664 64 00