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Global Hospitality Business

Master HES

Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale HES-SO

Lieu de formation

Lausanne 25 (VD)

Langue d'enseignement


Type de formation

Hautes écoles spécialisées HES

Modalités temporelles

À plein temps

Thèmes de formation

Restauration, hôtellerie

Filières d'études

Hospitality Management


Mise à jour 15.12.2023


Description de la formation

Master in Global Hospitality Business prepares graduates to adapt their management style, service offers and business strategy to key tourism markets. This program will teach the students to do what world-class hoteliers and global hospitality managers do best: adapt strategies, behaviors and service offers to local markets. Students will live, study and work in Europe, Asia and North America, three of the world's strongest tourism markets and learn to build a business understanding of customers from all continents. They will also develop the skills necessary to lead multi-cultural and multi-language teams.

Plan de la formation

The 16-month program is composed of 3 semesters, each taking place on a different campus and on a different continent. The students will be immersed in professional contexts through certification courses, business field trips in each of the three geographical regions, and an Academic Business Project with a partner company in the hospitality industry.

Le master représente le second diplôme universitaire après le bachelor et équivaut généralement à l’acquisition de 90-120 crédits ECTS. 1 crédit ECTS correspond à environ 25-30 heures de travail.

Lien sur le plan de la formation


Conditions d’admission

  • Recognized bachelor's degree in hospitality or tourism or a related field, such as business management
  • Excellent academic record
  • A minimum of one year of work experience in the hospitality or tourism industry (including internships)
  • For non-native English speakers : a minimum score of 100 on the TOEFL or 7.0 on the IELTS exam
  • Succeed 2 interviews (one with EHL and the other with one of the program's partner universities)

Aperçu des différentes voies d'accès aux masters consécutifs : Admission - vue d'ensemble

La haute école est responsable pour l'admission (voir "Liens sur l'admission")

Lien sur l'admission


The application deadline for all candidates is:

  • 1 April 2024 for September intake
  • 18 October 2024 for February intake


Compulsory expenses

  • Tuition: CHF 61'220.-
  • Facilities and services : CHF 2'270.-
  • Prepaid food and beverage : CHF 1'620.-
  • Field trips : CHF 14'240.-

Some additional expenses are not included in this price.
Financial aid may be requested.


  • Master haute école spécialisée HES

Master of Science HES-SO in Global Hospitality Business

This master's degree carry two accreditations, for guaranteed international recognition. The degree is compliant with the Bologna agreement, recognized all over Europe, and EHL is accredited by the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), in the USA.

Infos pratiques

Lieu / adresse

  • Lausanne 25 (VD)

EHL Hospitality Business School Campus Lausanne

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Hospitality & Tourism Management

University of Houston Conrad N Hilton College of Global Hospitality Leadership

Déroulement temporel

Début des cours

February and September

Durée de la formation

16 mois

Modalités temporelles

  • À plein temps

Langue d’enseignement

  • anglais


Renseignements / contact