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Coffee Excellence


Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften ZHAW

Lieu de formation

Indépendant d'un lieu

Langue d'enseignement


Type de formation

Hautes écoles spécialisées HES - Formation continue: formations longues

Modalités temporelles

À temps partiel

Thèmes de formation


Filières d'études

Sciences alimentaires


Mise à jour 05.03.2025


Description de la formation

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) ist eine Nachdiplomausbildung der Hoschulen und entspricht mindestens 10 ECTS-Punkten. Dieser CAS verlangt 15 ECTS-Punkte.

This part-time distance learning diploma education programme aims to help students develop and deepen their knowledge of the coffee value chain; from crop to cup. Developed by a team of experts in coffee science & technology and on e-learning practices, they will gain scientifically-based and practical expertise through an online and flexible course experience. 


  • Module A: The Coffee Fruit: From Tree to Trade
  • Module B: The Coffee Bean: Transformation and Composition
  • Module C: The Coffee Cup: Extraction and Sensory

Plan de la formation

1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of work.


Conditions d’admission

1) Those who meet the following requirements are admitted to the CAS in Coffee Excellence certificate course:

  • Degree (diploma, licentiate, bachelor's or master's degree) from a state-recognised university or previously recognised equivalent school
  • At least 2 years of professional experience in the coffee industry or related areas (food, hospitality management, etc.) at the time of registration
  • Good written and verbal communication skills in English


2) Persons who do not have a university degree are admitted if they meet one of the following requirements:

  • Proof of a qualification in higher vocational education and training (tertiary B): BP
    professional examination (federal diploma) or HFP higher professional examination (federal diploma) or HF higher professional school. In exceptional cases, other persons may be admitted if their qualification for participation is based on other evidence
  • At least 3 years of professional experience in the coffee industry or related areas (food, hospitality management, etc.) and an SCA Coffee Skills Diploma at the time of registration
  • Good written and verbal communication skills in English
  • Passing an admission interview


CHF 7'800.- 

The cost includes the tuition fees, application fee, course materials, virtual lessons, coffee samples for module assessment, exam payment and diploma certificate. The costs do not include any customs fees when sending the packages, coffee equipment and coffee for the practical exercises. 


  • Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS

Certificate of Advanced Studies in Coffee Excellence

Infos pratiques

Lieu / adresse

  • Indépendant d'un lieu


Déroulement temporel

Début des cours


Durée de la formation

15 months

Modalités temporelles

  • À temps partiel

Langue d’enseignement

  • anglais


The course was developed in close cooperation with the Swiss Chapter of the SCA Switzerland (Swiss Speciality Coffee Association) and representatives of the Swiss coffee industry.


Renseignements / contact

Sekretariat Weiterbildung Life Sciences:
Tel. +41 58 934 59 69


  • Modèle F