Artificial Intelligence for Creative Practices
Universität Bern UNIBE
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK
- Lieu de formation
Berne (BE) - Zurich (ZH)
- Langue d'enseignement
- Type de formation
Hautes écoles universitaires HEU - Formation continue: formations longues
- Modalités temporelles
En emploi
- Thèmes de formation
Nature, sciences naturelles
- Filières d'études
- Swissdoc
Mise à jour 17.10.2024
Description de la formation
This CAS provides the technical and conceptual skills required to understand AI algorithms for creative applications. It covers the most important AI applications in the domains of language, images, sound, and movement as well as key cultural, philosophical, aesthetic, and ethical questions around AI.
Upon completion, graduates will:
- be familiar with key cultural, philosophical, and aesthetic questions, and ethical debates around AI;
- have a basic understanding of common neural network architectures and be able to train and assess these neural networks for artistic and creative applications;
- be able to perform basic image processing and know the most important applications;
- be able to process sound with deep neural networks and know the most important applications;
- be able to process movement data with deep neural networks and know the most important applications;
- be able to perform basic Natural Language Processing with deep learning models and know the most important applications.
Plan de la formation
- Module 1: AI and ML Fundamentals
- Module 2: Neural Networks
- Module 3: AI for Movement/Sensing: Realtime interaction
- Module 4: AI for Imaging
- Module 5: AI for Sound
- Module 6: AI for Natural Languange
Scope: 16 ECTS
Conditions d’admission
Aimed at students and professionals from the public and private sector who hold a university, university of applied sciences, or university of arts degree (e.g. BA, BFA, MA, MFA, BSc, MSc, PhD)
CHF 9'600.-
- Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Artificial Intelligence for Creative Practices University of Bern and Zurich University of the Arts
Infos pratiques
Lieu / adresse
- Berne (BE)
- Zurich (ZH)
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK) Toni Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich
Déroulement temporel
Début des cours
Durée de la formation
1 year
Modalités temporelles
- En emploi
Langue d’enseignement
- anglais
Renseignements / contact
Sigve Haug,, +41 31 631 82 46
Institution 1
Universität Bern UNIBE
Hochschulstrasse 6
3012 Bern
Tél.: +41 31 684 81 11
Autres informations
Universität Bern
Institution 2
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK
Zürcher Fachhochschule ZFH
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
8005 Zürich
Tél.: +41 (0)43 446 46 46