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Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)

Attestation / certificat de cours

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften ZHAW

Lieu de formation

Winterthur (ZH)

Langue d'enseignement


Type de formation

Formation continue: cours - Hautes écoles spécialisées HES

Modalités temporelles

À temps partiel

Thèmes de formation

Applications techniques, programmation, gestion informatique - Véhicules, transports


9.634.2.0 - 9.565.2.0

Mise à jour 12.07.2024


Description de la formation

Participants will acquire both knowledge of the theoretical background and the practical experience to effectively address the issues posed by the SORA process.




  • Day 1: Introduction to UAS operation; Safety in aviation (manned vs. unmanned); Qualitative and quantitative approach to safety; Bow-Tie model
  • Day 2: Introdution to SORA; Concept of operation and robustness; Ground risk class and mitigations; Introduction to Specific Assurance and Integrity Level (SAIL) and in relation to the manned aviation concept of Development Assurance Level (DAL).
  • Day 3: Operation Safety Objectives (OSO) and SAIL; Introduction to the air risk model; Nominal Collision risk and DAA; Off-nominal risk, failures and Air SAIL
  • Day 4: Case study 1 + 2


Conditions d’admission

  • a basic knowledge of UAV operation (and related issues) is required
  • the course does not require particular mathematical or technical skills, although these may be an advantage


  • Manufacturers or operators who want to become familiar with or apply for SORA assessment
  • Professionals who want to understand how the new SORA process works
  • Professionals who have to control or operate UAV operations, such as air traffic controllers, police, pilots, etc.
  • Representatives of safety agencies that must enforce SORA
  • etc.


ab CHF 1'440.-


  • Attestation / certificat de cours

Infos pratiques

Lieu / adresse

  • Winterthur (ZH)

Technikumstrasse 9

Déroulement temporel

Début des cours

auf Anfrage

Durée de la formation

4 Tage

Modalités temporelles

  • À temps partiel

Langue d’enseignement

  • anglais


Veranstalter des Angebots: Centre for Aviation


Renseignements / contact

Sekretariat Weiterbildung:
Tel.: +41 (0) 58 934 74 28