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International Business Administration

Bachelor HES

Hochschule Luzern HSLU

Lieu de formation

Lucerne (LU)

Langue d'enseignement


Type de formation

Hautes écoles spécialisées HES

Modalités temporelles

À plein temps

Thèmes de formation

Management, direction

Filières d'études

Gestion d'entreprise / économie d'entreprise



Mise à jour 27.08.2024


Description de la formation

The Bachelor’s programme is completed with 180 ECTS (credit points). 1 ECTS point corresponds approximately to a workload of 25-30 hours.

The study programme is composed as follows:

  • Assessment module group: 39 ECTS:
  • Intermediate module group: 75 ECTS
  • Major and Minor: 66 ECTS

The general programme is followed and accompanied by a major in

  • Accounting, Finance & Banking
  • International Management & Economics
  • Tourism & Hospitality Management

Plan de la formation

Assessment module group and Intermediate module group  - 114 ECTS


  • Processes and Operations
  • Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Organisation Design
  • Strategy
  • Corporate Ethics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Private Business Law
  • Public Business Law
  • Financial Management
  • Corporate Finance
  • Management Accounting
  • Advanced Financial Management
  • Economics I-III
  • Sustainable Development
  • Introduction to Mathematics for Business and Economics
  • Quantitative Models and Analyses
  • Risk Models and Optimization
  • Writing for Academic Purposes
  • Stakeholder-focused Presentations
  • Writing for Stakeholders
  • Visual Communication in Corporate Contexts
  • Global Languages and Cultures
  • Developing Knowledge : From Literature / Form Interviews / From Projects and Empirical Projects I + II
  • Descriptive Data Analyses
  • Inferential Statistics
  • Economics Project

Major and Minors  - 66 ECTS

Accounting, Finance and Banking

This major is tailored to students looking for a future career in international financial management, the financial industry or as a certified public accountant (CPA).

  • Major Accounting, Finance and Banking
  • Minor Finance & Banking
  • Minor Accounting & Management Control
International Management & Economics

 This major focuses on the competencies required by today’s knowledge workers to plan, coordinate, and enjoy the benefits of working in a global organisation, it is ideal for students with a global mind-set and international aspirations.

  • Major International Management & Economics
  • Minors International Economics and Strategies for Global Business
Tourism & Hospitality Management

This major focuses on the business and management principles that apply to the travel and tourism industry and includes topics relating to digital tourism, ecotourism, and sustainability.

  • Major Tourism & Hospitality Management
  • Minor Tourism & Hospitality Management


Conditions d’admission

Higher secondary education certificate qualifying the holder for studies at university level in his/her country of origin,

plus a minimum of one year's qualified work experience in a business-related area,

English language proficiency (level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference),

proven knowledge in financial accounting and mathematics

Lien sur l'admission


Application deadline: 30 April


  • CHF 200.00  Immatriculation fee
  • CHF 800.00 Tuition (per semester) (without teaching materials and examination / service fees)


  • Bachelor haute école spécialisée HES

Federally recognized diploma
- Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration, Major in Accounting, Finance & Banking;
- Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration, Major in International Management & Economics;
- Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration, Major in Tourism & Hospitality Management


consecutive Master's programmes


Infos pratiques

Lieu / adresse

  • Lucerne (LU)

Déroulement temporel

Début des cours

6 semesters on the full-time track

Durée de la formation

6 semesters on the full-time track;
8 semesters on the work-study or part-time track

Modalités temporelles

  • À plein temps

Langue d’enseignement

  • anglais


Renseignements / contact

041 228 41 30