Passer au titre


Risk Management for Banking and Finance


Universität Zürich UZH

Lieu de formation

Zurich 50 (ZH)

Langue d'enseignement


Type de formation

Hautes écoles universitaires HEU - Formation continue: formations longues

Modalités temporelles

À temps partiel

Thèmes de formation

Banque, finances, assurances

Filières d'études

Gestion d'entreprise / économie d'entreprise



Mise à jour 02.09.2024


Description de la formation

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) ist eine Nachdiplomausbildung der Hochschulen und entspricht mindestens 10 ECTS-Punkten.

Participants know the most important concepts of risk management and their application. They are able to interpret the results of application of concepts and question them critically.

This program encompasses the most important concepts and techniques of risk management and consists of the following courses:

  • eFundamentals of Financial Mathematics
  • Finance for Risk Management
  • Risk Management Practices

Plan de la formation

1 ECTS-Punkt entspricht einem Aufwand von 25-30 Arbeitsstunden. 


Conditions d’admission

  • graduate degree
  • several years of working experience
  • a basic knowledge of mathematics is very beneficial


Risk professionals, or those who interface with risk management disciplines on a very regular basis, who want to improve and expand their knowledge in risk management. The course is also suitable for professionals preparing for the PRMIA Certificate.


CHF 7'000.- (incl. course material, online tutoring and final exam, excl. textbooks)


  • Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS

Certificate of Advanced Studies UZH in Risk Management for Banking & Finance

Infos pratiques

Lieu / adresse

  • Zurich 50 (ZH)

Déroulement temporel

Début des cours

September and January

Durée de la formation

September: 8 months
January: 12 months

Modalités temporelles

  • À temps partiel

Langue d’enseignement

  • anglais


Renseignements / contact

Universität Zürich, Executive Education WWF
Finance Executive Education, Stampfenbachstrasse 73, 8006 Zürich
Tel: +41 (0)44 634 40 57